A trip last week to the desert in Pakistan saw 40 receive Christ in just one village!
Here are some photos of new believers being baptized in Tanzania! What a wonderful sight for 2023!
We received this update from Democratic Republic of Congo as they have been able to distribute Bibles from funds raised during the Christmas period for Christmas Bibles. Thank you to all who gave!
Glory to God were able to serve these God's people by giving them bibles, God's word into their hands. With great joy and thanksgiving words, one of theme said; "a part the day I believed in Christ, today is my happiest and glorious day of my life. I have been praying and struggling to have a bible for years, today after my struggling and human efforts, today I have got it freely of charge. This is a God given gift to me. I will read it diligently, Keep it jealously and obey it under the power of his grace. " Praise God. An update from our local director;
Kitchen cabinets arrived today and they are fixing them. Please see attached pictures.
We just wanted to give you a quick update to let you know that we hit the middle of the target amount for the need for Pastor Franklin in Honduras and his vehicle repair (https://conta.cc/3Q7k3vf). Thank you so much to those who have given, and we will send out an update once his vehicle is back on the road!
Pictured here is Franklin Geovany Rivera Pineda, Honduran Church Planter along with his family.
Recently on his way to preach at a new church in the mountains (his 4th church plant and 2nd since he joined the FFF team), pastor Franklin had an accident in a rural area of Honduras when a motorcycle hit his truck. It was the fault of the motorcycle as they were riding in the middle of the road around a sharp corner on the mountain pass. The motorcyclist is okay and was not injured, nor was pastor Franklin. However, the motorbike was totaled, and the pastor's truck was damaged (photo).
Because this happened so remotely, there were no police nearby to take a statement and document the accident. The pastor has attempted to convince the motorcycle rider to pay for the damages to no avail.
We just wanted to put this need out there to see if any of you would like to help. The estimated cost to repair the pastor’s damaged truck is roughly $980-1,100, which will get him back on the road and back into his churches. You can donate on this page, or mail in a check and designate it to "Pastor Franklin Vehicle Repair." - Daniel An update from our regional director in Ukraine; Christmas and New Year Greetings from Ukraine! Thank you so much for praying for and giving to our ministry. The Lord has abundantly blessed our family and the people of Ukraine through the Church! We are so grateful to be a part of this wonderful Body of Christ! During the Christmas and New Year Season, which lasts mid December to mid January in Ukraine, we have been and will continue to conduct Christmas outreaches in our community in Mukachevo as well as frontline cities such as Kherson and Mikolaev. We have attached pictures from two Mukachevo outreaches: to children of fallen soldiers and our feeding center celebration. It is truly exciting to see church members stepping up and using their talents for God's glory. Kiril Ivanikov preached a Gospel message while his brother Sergei accompanied music on the guitar. Their aunt Tanya organized the event complete with refreshments. All of this with no centralized electricity. Every family received the gift of a clear Gospel presentation, presents for their children, and a food bag (flour, oil, rice, macaroni, buckwheat, barley, meat, sugar, oatmeal, tea, cookies, and juice.) Lord willing, we will have 3 or 4 more outreaches in Mukachevo in the coming weeks. Our friends from Odesa took Bibles and food bags (similar to what we gave away in Mukachevo) to the Kherson region. Kostya and Sergei both preached the Gospel message and encouraged the local brethren to keep on doing good in the midst of war. With the funds you sent us, they have restocked their vans with 100 more food bags and will be traveling to Mikaliev region this week to preach a Christmas Gospel message and help the villages that are without power, heating, or stable employment opportunities in that area. Last week, we were able to take several camping power stations into Mukachevo. They are big enough to run an apartment's heat pump as well as other household appliances. They recharge quickly during the several hours that the city electricity is turned on. Generators are not options for many families living in apartments and are extremely expensive to run on a regular basis. These small power stations seem to be an ideal solution for keeping people warm and safe during the winter months. If you would like to help us purchase these units, please let us know. After New Year, we will be taking a new evacuation 4x4 into Ukraine as well as Vitamin C and power stations. We covet your prayers for safety on the road and while we are in Ukraine. We hope that your Christmas was joyous and peaceful. We covet your prayers and continued support! Sincerely, Oleg, Lori, Abigail, and Simon Enskyy You can help the ministry for Ukraine by donating below, or if you wish to help Oleg and family, you can donate via this link.
Please enjoy a short video from Pastor Tyson Muaku Tshala in the Democratic Republic of Congo, thanking you for your help! (In case you missed the original need, you can catch up here). |
March 2023