In North Africa
The two sisters in North Africa were released from the hospital today. They have gone to live with a family in their church who will take care of them. Theirs is a secure location, and next week will start their physical therapy. Both sisters are burdened with various casts on their legs, feet, arms, hands, etc. As you can imagine, they are in a great deal of pain. In addition, we have purchased a blender because one of the girls has her mouth wired shut and can only eat liquids for the next many weeks. Pray for the situation. We had learned that before their brother attacked them, he called his father, and the father told him to do so. And it was his mother that initiated and encouraged the beating. For this reason, the girls do not want to return home, but the family is threatening to take our local church, which rescued them and is hiding them, to court. We have reminded them that if they do, their son will be charged with two counts of attempted murder, among other charges, and will spend many years in prison or worse. Please pray for wisdom and that they will decide to let their daughters live apart from them legally. While the situation may require it in the future, at least for the moment, we have the necessary funds to continue with their healing, therapy, and living expenses. If that changes, I’ll let you know. In Afghanistan Several months back, we asked you to help us relocate our two churches in Afghanistan. We had to move both congregations to new locations, far removed from their hometown where they were unknown. Moving them, renting apartments, restocking their food, clothing, etc., cost tens of thousands of dollars, but God provided it all through you. Today they informed us that since moving, they have led 17 young adults to Christ and, in another location, 13 others. They have grown stronger in the Faith through their trials and are a shining example to the churches throughout the Middle East and Central Asia. Bibles We need to send 25,000 more Bibles to a single country in the Middle East where an incredible harvest is being reaped. Each Bible costs us $6 to print, bind and deliver to that land. Thus, we need to raise $150,000 quickly. Can you help? The success stories you read about above resulted from us smuggling Bibles into Islamic lands where they are forbidden. With such results, this is no time to slow down. You can donate online by clicking here and selecting "Smugglers". If you prefer to send a check, please email us and let us know the amount so we can expect it and make a note on your check that it is for "Smugglers".
You may recall our request to help the new Believers in Afghanistan that we had to relocate after two of their numbers were publicly martyred. As a result, seven families were taken into a neighboring country, and our churches there took the responsibility to house, feed, clothe and assimilate them into the society. (They are among a people group – the Jews -- that span both sides of the border, thus the language and culture are the same.)
For the approximately 700 remaining, we had to relocate them in their own country but far enough away to a city where none are known. We saved the lives of nearly eight hundred new Believers by doing this. After they were successfully relocated, I asked you to give so that we could provide them with food, clothing, medicines, etc., as they had to leave behind all their belongings. We took your funds and rented fourteen apartments to house them, putting nearly fifty people in each apartment. The funds secured their housing for three months but left precious little for food. So, again I asked for your help, and as usual, you responded. But because it was you who prayed and you who gave, it was not we but you who saved them all. How does that make you feel? With certainty, when you stand before God, receiving the rewards He has laid up for you, you will revisit this event and be thankful you played a part. This morning I woke to an email that arrived while I slept. Our director for the region had sent some of our church members and pastors back into the country to preach and teach the struggling new Believers, encourage them, and verify that their relief had arrived. Here is his brief report: Our 700 Believers have received the help, including milk, flour, oil, rice, some types of local cheese, tea, sugar, eggs, chicken, clean water, and oil containers to use to heat their homes. Those will help us for the next couple of months. Thank you. In a few months, when the funding has been exhausted, if they have not been able to find employment, I will let you know, and we can once again bring aid to these children of Abraham who have become Believers in the Messiah. Jon If you want to review the entire story, you can read all the related correspondence through the links below. Beginning with the first and ending with this update. September 4th; September 11th; November 9th; November 17th; Today, the young lady has had her second of two surgeries. We spoke to the doctor by phone, and he said that she would need to come back and see him in about fifteen days, but he does not anticipate any problem. She is doing fine and is expected to be able to see perfectly. She wanted to express her gratitude to those who gave her this gift of sight and let them know how much their generosity benefits her and how grateful she is. Now she will abide by the doctor's instruction and have her bandages removed in two weeks. At that time, she will give glory to God for His healing and get busy again in her service for the Lord.
Those of you who gave to help her did so for your own personal reasons. We are so thankful for you demonstrating God's love to this young sister. You have changed her life for the better and given her the ability to serve Him as never before. You are amazing, just as your Father is. I hope that someday, somehow, we will be able to get you a photo of her.
Reading time < 2minutes
Dear Michael, First, an update on Amina; thank you to those who gave and fulfilled this need! The funds are on their way and we will update you on her once they have been able to complete the surgery. Second, thank you again so much for coming to rescue our brothers and sisters who had to flee Afghanistan. By God's grace, we relocated seven entire families and the brother's widow, who was crucified. Their baby will now be born in their new country. Altogether, we rescued about one thousand people as their families are quite large. If you stop and think about it – that is incredible. And better yet, the house churches in their new land feel they can take care of the seven families while settling in and finding employment. I'll let you know if they need our help. Their current situation. The sixty-four families left behind are all being resettled in a region close enough to maintain contact with each other and attend the services at the various house churches. To do this, we had to transport more than six hundred souls, rent homes for them, then purchase clothing and housewares so they could start again. Of course, they are all unemployed now, but they are alive and relatively safe. We will continue to provide them with food, medical care, etc., for at least the next three months until they adjust and find new jobs. Doing this for six hundred plus people will require a considerable sum of money. We need an estimated $22,986 to meet their needs. That comes to an average of about $12.77 per person -- per month. The price is so low because they will be receiving help from sister house-churches all over the region who give despite their suffering. Would you please pray continuously for their security and needs? And if you have spare funds, please consider helping us take care of them. Imagine how they must feel as new Christians. They cruelly lost two brothers, one by crucifixion and the other by dragging behind a truck and beheading. They then had to say goodbye to seven families who fled for their lives, whom they may never see again in this life. These families have lost their jobs and fled, leaving their worldly goods behind and moving to a new place to start again. What a blessing your gift will be for the entire body of Believers. When our churches in neighboring lands hear of your generosity, they will be encouraged and strengthened. They will see that not only will their new-found Lord never leave nor forsake them, but their family of Believers in America will not either. Thank you so much for your kind heart and willing spirit. You truly make my burden lighter and bring glory to the Name above all names. Jon |
March 2023