What does that mean? Am I trying to outdo the candy company with one extra M? Do I stutter when I type? Is my keyboard stuck? No, no, and no. What it means is – officially -- May is Motorcycle month! And what do these three problems have in common? They are all problems that affect our national church planter's ability to evangelize more villages, train more preachers and start more churches. How? ![]()
Speed, time, and distance:
On foot, a preacher can only evangelize a small area. He doesn't have hotels to stay at. So he carries a bag of food and ventures out for the day. Soon, he has knocked on every door within his area. His radius on foot may be five miles, and with a bicycle, he can stretch it out to fifteen, but with a motorcycle, his radius of evangelism grows exponentially. -- If he has one. ![]()
Angry mobs:
It is common in some countries for a preacher to run into angry mobs of fanatic Hindus, Buddhists, Muslims, or Animists. They are not content to scream, threaten and hurl insults; they want blood. They want to beat, cripple, cut off limbs and kill the messenger of God who has come to share the gospel with them. Many preachers have long been wounded and now limp and cannot run. Others can, but they cannot outrun every assailant that comes after them. On foot, they are helpless. On a bicycle, they stand a chance if they get enough of a head start. But they can quickly outdistance clubs, machetes, rocks, and flames on a motorcycle and return to preach another day. – If they have one. ![]()
An attacking bear:
We have often mentioned this threat, and as time goes by, it is becoming more of a problem. In India, it is tigers and bears; in Africa, it is hyenas (the only beast in the jungle that lions fear) and rhinos. There are dangers to our men, no matter the continent, that they cannot outrun on foot or escape on a bicycle. Their only hope of escape and survival is the speed and distance a motorcycle provides. As they travel further looking for that next unreached village, whether on foot or with a bicycle, they return home later and later. It's dark, and they can easily be seen as a meal or a threat because they unwittingly got too close to bear cubs playing in the brush on the side of a road or path. With a motorcycle, this problem is negated as the engine's sound would alert and frighten the wild animals of their impending arrival. – If he has one. ![]()
The Only and Obvious Solution:
Though you have often helped with this need, and though our next issue of the Progress Report will highlight it in greater detail, I wanted to get a head start and let you know that during May, our goal is to provide as many of our men as possible with a motorcycle. One group in Africa needs ten. One group in India needs more than fifty. And there are many groups of dedicated, worthy men like them worldwide. Globally, we can purchase a motorcycle for about $1300 (which can carry two preachers and a box of bibles or three preachers with no boxes). And though you can give any amount at any time, as the need will always be there, we have recently had so many requests that we decided to make May our Motorcycle Month. (M&M's &M) So, rip open a bag and enjoy yourself for a moment. Then give online below and send an offering so together we can evangelize more people, allowing them also to enjoy Heaven forever. I don't know how much “PLAIN-er” I can make it. Jon
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March 2023