When I was ten years old, our family traveled to Southeast Asia to do missions work with indigenous national pastors. It was an amazing experience and although it happened so long ago, I can still remember so much about how it helped to shape my life.
While there, I got deathly ill, deep in the throes of a combination of typhoid fever and malaria. I recall at one point being in such pain that I asked to die. It was a sobering request from a child and no doubt a shock to my parents. Fortunately, my dad was able to find a clinic and a doctor willing to treat me. I recall being ushered into a dimly lit, shack-like building. I don’t remember there being any windows. It was sparsely furnished. Perhaps a dozen beds, most filled with patients, some tables, shelves, a few fans and lamps. Continue reading the full article at: Transforming Lives Through Healing - missions.world |