Step 2 - GAuGE areas of interest
Go back to Step 1
You will find that everyone has a different pull on their heart. For some it is children, seeing children go hungry in other countries just pulls on their heart. For others it is the desire to spread the gospel throughout the world, reaching as many people as possible before Christ returns. There are those who are technologically minded, "geeks" even, who love technology and also love the Lord and to see where those two can go hand in hand really gets them excited!
So, to that end, try and gauge your audience, your friends. Ask them if they were able to check out our facebook page or website. If they did, was there anything that really stood out to them, or are they talking a lot about one specific thing they saw? Based on what you hear from them, here are our areas that we work in and what you may be able to show them;
- Interested in children ministry - Touch A Life and Daily Bread
- Interested in evangelism - Smugglers, PowerPack and our national church planters
- Feeding the poor - Touch A Life, Daily Bread and Bags of Hope
- Interested in technology - PowerPack